
Showing posts from August, 2015

Nocturnal Forest

When the night falls, The Amazon rainforest Is shrouded in mysteries And the night creatures Awaken. Between hisses, whistles, Echoes And buzzings, There's a storm of battle cries. Beware! 'Tis in the hunting time When hungry predators, With flamboyant eyes, Take advantage of sleeping preys. In the silence of the woods Fireflies shine, Felines run, snakes slither And night birds fly. Within this wild rhapsody, Some critters hunt wisely And others Escape quickly. Every single organism, From the smallest to the largest, Is a thread Weaving the web of life; Maintaining the ecological balance.  Whilst in the great living jungle The night creatures reign, A full moon Pours its silver beams Over the leaves of the virgin forest. Out of the earth's womb, Curupiras, sacis and caiporas, Dance through the night; Protecting with teeth and claws Our fauna and flora. Ester Maia & Stepheson Emmanuel

Farewell, Icarus!


Dear Morpheus

Dear Morpheus, in your strong arms I lay. Drunk in your perfume and cozy by your skin. You're my lover. My hunter. I'm your lover. Your prey. Fearless, I became. Now we live a delightful sin. Your hands run through my body and, just like  chains,   They attach my spirit to this frail receptacle I call body. Dear Morpheus, you took away my selfish pain  And found the melody inside of me. Turn me into your violin, just once again. I beg you to never leave me. I pray you to never flee. My dearest abductor and protector, thank you. You washed my soul. You revived my heart. I love you! I need you! You embrace me. You shelter me. My world is not the same every time I sleep. Emmalyn Hill (The Dreamer)